Shaul Debbi: Fun Facts about Australia

Fun Facts about Australia by Shaul Debbi

Are you on the verge on planning an ultimate Australian getaway? You probably have been marking your calendar for months now. Well, polish up your bloody Australian accent and get ready to conquer the land down under, mate! Here are some fun facts about Australia that just might come in handy in your grandest vacation of your life:

Did you know that pancakes are usually served during dinner in Australia? That would be a welcome change and certainly add a new twist in your dinner experience. But then, who would want to eat those boring pancakes when you can choose from a wide array of exotic Australian delicacies, right? Better be careful though if someone offers you a “bush-tucker”. It’s actually a popular native Australian food that has kangaroo, turkey and lizard meat! It’s certainly worth a try if you want to risk indigestion.

One fun fact about Australia that you should check out is the Great Barrier Reef, which is the largest coral reef in the world. This is a major tourist attraction that apparently has a mailbox that tourist like you can ferry out so you can mail your postcards directly from the reef.

Aside from being the only country that occupies an entire continent, it is also the flattest terrain. Before venturing out into the great outback, it would be useful to know that there are about 1500 hundred species of spiders in Australia, and Tasmanian Devil has jaw strength of a crocodile. I bet you foolishly thought the little imp is just a cartoon character, right? If you think koala bears are sweet and cuddly, better think again. It can get real cranky if you distract it from eating their favorite eucalyptus leaves.

Knowing some fun facts about Australia can prove to be useful in navigating around the country. You can probably avoid a potential fistfight knowing that Australian money is actually made of plastic. So don’t be surprised or complain if you receive a plastic bill! If you are thinking of getting a haircut and ready to sport a new look, Mullets, and Mohawks are considered sexy and cool in Australia.

Alcohol is ridiculously expensive in Australia so if you’re planning on drinking binges, better think twice. However, if you’re keen on trying something new, the “goon” is a decent Australian wine that is very potent and a cheaper alternative.

Now that your fully loaded with some fun facts about Australia, then you are more or less ready to explore the country with only a slightest degree of culture shock. Some of these facts can really help you in finding your way through, of course with reliable help from some friendly blokes.

useful reading
Shaul Debbi